Making do

When you can’t go out and they can’t come in, you make do. Beginning a few weeks ago, our clothes dryer was taking longer and longer to dry clothes, then over the weekend when I washed sheets and our quilt, it worked for 2 1/2 hours and still didn’t get it dry. Fortunately, I bought a huge drying rack from the Amish furniture store after we moved here. I thought that someday, I would get a clothes line up, but never did. The quilt was folded in half and draped over the rack to finish drying overnight. Knowing that the heating coil has likely failed, laundry is being done more often and in smaller loads and hung on the rack. Also some time in the past, I purchased another rack that hangs over the clothes dryer.

Someday, I will get the dryer repaired.

Along with the dryer failure, I ran out of dish soap. I am a soap maker, so a DIY moment and a bottle of liquid dishsoap was made this morning.

With the pandemic, and the stay at home orders, the panic buying and the changing suggestions, hand sanitizer and masks are impossible items. I grow aloe and still had a bottle of Isopropyl alcohol, so two small bottles of hand sanitizer were made. First we were told not to wear masks, now the recommendation is to wear one if you have to be out as they now believe that the virus can be spread even by breath. I had some cotton fabric that I had purchased for lining a woven bag and had entirely too much. A quick search online provided patterns for DIY masks.

Though we aren’t going out, if it becomes necessary, at least we will have a mask. Two layers of the cotton with a layer of a bandana in the middle and we have 3 layer masks.

Make do when you need to.

Preparation and fun

From early January, we bought double with each food shopping trip. The basement chest freezer that gets utilized as the garden provides and emptied through the winter was not very full this year. By January, the dreaded virus was already in our country and though we had no idea that 3 short months later, we would be on self imposed house arrest to keep our senior bodies healthy. The freezer filled up, but because of the way we were purchasing and loading it, what was in there in what quantity was an enigma. The last trip was loaded in the refrigerator freezer and that is what we have been working on. Today, hubby and I ventured to the basement with a pad of paper and a pen and while I sorted and organized in wire baskets, boxes, and a bag or two, he recorded an inventory. We now know what is in the freezer and about how many meals it will make for us. All of the half gallon jars had been called into use for extra rice, dry beans, and other staples. Flour as well as sugar and salt for canning were already in the large jars. One of the open upper cabinets built by Son 1 when the house was finished, holds quart jars of beans, grains, and other frequently used staples. The other upper cabinets also hold the year’s jams, teas, mugs, and pottery dinner ware. All of the drawers and shelves were vacuumed and wiped this morning and the kitchen cabinets and counter tops scrubbed down. Two utensil crocks were blended into one with the utensils that actually are used and the smaller of the two became the sourdough crock. My sourdough was rejuvenated so bread can be made with it in a few days.

Now we know where we stand as most states have gone to the stay at home orders to try to beat back the virus. With our inventory and the upcoming garden, we should be good for quite a while. Though our daughter would go to the grocery for us, we don’t want her out any more than she absolutely has to be.

The veggie starts are doing better than I have ever had them do, except for the spinach. It must have been old seed. I will get a few plants between what came up in the garden and the house starts.

The house has been getting cleaned much more often than usual. Walks up the dead end road whenever I can get out between rain showers helps keep me busy, along with knitting, spinning, reading, and bird watching.

I have been watching this little guy turn from his winter brown to spring gold. He has almost finished his molt. I love watching the little flocks of them in their roller coaster flight across the fields.

Be safe everyone. We are trying.

Rain and chill

The porch thermometer showed 47 f (8.33 c) when I got up this morning. In the damp, it felt colder. It is down to 40 f (4.44 c) by late afternoon. It was 85 f (29.44) on Sunday, quite a difference. And it rained all day long. As I was putting the finishing touches on dinner, there were snowflakes mixed in with the rain. It isn’t supposed to freeze tonight so I am not bringing in any plants.

When I was a kid, on cold, usually snowy days, Mom would make vegetable beef soup. I remember lots of cans being opened, but it was comfort food on a cold day. This morning called for hot soup tonight. As I have become the master of extending a small amount of meat to multiple meals, I pulled about a half pound of stew beef from the freezer, thawed and seared it in hot oil, threw in a handful of chopped onion, celery that I had chopped and frozen, some fresh parsley that I had frozen, a pint of homemade broth, water, and a boullion cube and set it to simmer around noon. At the same time, I mixed up the dough for another artisan loaf, this one full of rosemary and left it to rise. As the afternoon when on, checks on the simmering stock and beef and how the bread was rising were made. Mid afternoon, a couple handfuls of Pequino beans (a small red heritage bean) were tossed in to cook and finally chopped potatoes, carrots, some frozen corn, peas, and green beans added and allowed to simmer for another hour. During that hour, the pizza stone was preheated as the oven heated to 550 f and the bread folded a few times and allowed a second rise and bake. The aromas in the house were delightful.

A hearty, belly warming meal with half a loaf of bread and 2 quarts of soup left for lunches in the coming days. It looks like we are going to go through slightly more than two loaves a week plus some buns while we stay at home. I hope the flour holds out.

The day between food prep was spent spinning on three of the Turkish spindles. A different fiber on each.

When I went to the fiber retreat in late February, I got two skeins of lovely yarn from the hostess. It is a blend of her goats’ mohair and wool. Last night I started a curved asymmetrical shawl and though I went up a needle size from the recommended, it still feels like too dense a fabric for my taste. I am debating continuing or ripping it out and finding a different pattern for the yarn.

It is very soft, so I may just keep going. Tomorrow is a repeat of today as far as weather, then it starts another warm up and a few dry days so maybe more of the garden will get prepped for planting in a month of so.

Daughter brought over the belt for the broken riding mower and some chicken and household supplies she had picked up for us. We stood across the garage and talked for a little while and it was so hard not to go give her a huge hug. She is working from home and her kids are at home due to closed schools, but their Dad is still going on site to work and comes to see the kids, so being around them is not possible for now. Tomorrow, I will put on gloves, sanitize what needs to come inside, put the chicken feed in lidded buckets and go through the strip and wash routine again so that neither of us get sick. Nothing she brought is perishable.