This Olive Egger discovered his voice last weekend and he is too randy for the much smaller pullets. The other Oliver Egger may also be a young roo who has not yet found his voice. Both are half again larger and are picking on the others. Tonight after it was dark, we went out with a flashlight, only to discover one of the small Buff Orpingtons has been hiding at lock up time and was on the ramp unhappy. I decided to move two of the older Oliver eggers to the coop, they are calm and laying so they will set an example for the pullets who are getting close, and the roo and maybe roo moved to the Palace with the older hens. I don’t know how it will go, but I am hopeful that it will work out. As it was dark, they were easy to catch, but the roo and maybe roo were most unhappy at being grabbed. The two older hens just took it in stride. I’m sure there will be some dominance behaviors demonstrated, but hopefully nothing serious.