Sunday musings 4/18/2021

Another week has flown by. In the past 14 days, hubby and I have taken walks 13 of them. Our daily walk is always between 2.4 and 2.8 miles depending on which trail/path we walk and our walks are getting stronger and faster. My path to better health has stayed on track. I didn’t go on a diet, not following Keto, Whole 30, or whatever the fad of the week is called, I just cleaned up my act, cut out unnecessary snacks, switched from sandwiches to salads at lunch, and quit taking seconds on anything except green veggies. By eliminating bread, I’ve noticed less discomfort. I am not gluten intolerant, but maybe age is playing a part. Our walks this week were done on 4 different trails, well three, but two different sections of one of them. I am sleeping better. My body seems to react to the solar cycles. In winter when it is dark early and stays dark late, I sleep more. As the days lengthen, I am awakening earlier each day and find I am staying up later at night as well.

The unwell hen, spent two days in isolation and recovered from whatever ailed her. Her comb is vertical and red again, she is out and about with the other hens instead of hiding in a coop corner (until I isolated her in the garage in a crate). She hasn’t started laying again, I don’t think, though I caught her sitting on one of the nests yesterday. She just didn’t produce, though several days this week, the flock of 8 produced 5 eggs each day. It will be another few months before the littles start laying. Unlike the hens, when I open their coop door they come running toward me instead of hanging back or moving away. We have a couple of cold, rainy days this week, near freezing at night, so I think I will wait until after those days to turn them into the pen for the first time. It will be curious to see how the hens react on the other side of the fence when they are out.

Taking the kitchen scraps to the compost during dinner prep, I noticed that there were 5 asparagus up. Only 3 large enough to cut, but they were lightly steamed during the last minute of cooking a couple ears of corn tonight and I enjoyed them as I always do the first ones of the season. I never tire of them and daughter and granddaughter anxiously await enough growing for me to cut bunches for them as well.

The warm days are bringing the carpenter bees out by the dozens. Some have been caught in the bee traps, but their holes are so high up behind the gutters that treating the holes is nearly impossible. The woodpeckers have begun causing some damage to the facia boards going into their burrows to get the larvae. I suspect we will have to replace some facia boards in the next couple of years. You can’t stop them except with thick paint or clad facias. They seem to stick to the first floor facia boards only.

My fiber journey began about 57-58 years ago when an adult friend on vacation taught me to crochet. At some point, maybe 40 years ago, I learned Tunisian crochet, but hadn’t done much crocheting in years. For some reason, I got a bug about relearning that skill, especially Tunisian crochet. It goes pretty quickly compared to knitting and after half a dozen false starts, several Youtube videos, and finally a recommendation of a particular video by a friend, I think I have the hang of it again. Since shawls take so long to knit that they are usually too pricey for craft shows, I plan to continue knitting fingerless mitts and cowls, but making more woven and crochet bags and scarves that when made with my handspun can still be sold at a marketable price.

It still makes an interesting fabric. Don’t look too closely, there is an error near the beginning of this swatch. And there are different Tunisian crochet stitches still to learn. In the past few days, I tried using the tri loom again, I sold the large one last fall because I just wasn’t using it and really never got the hang of it. The smaller one is still here, but for sale. I just don’t seem to be able to do it without making an error that because of the nature of the weave, can’t be repaired. I guess that type of weaving just isn’t for me. I can use a square pin loom and the rigid heddle loom.

The wool for my third breed for the blanket is spun, it still needs to be plied and knit. It isn’t a new third breed, one of the earlier months, I only had enough of the fiber to do one square, so more was purchased. It will be a second square of that breed.

A bit more time has been spent on one of my wheels this week as I finished up some remnants of roving, spun, plied, and bathed, to use for bags for the shop. Pictures of them when I get farther along with this direction I’m trying. My body care products and soap will be made for family and friends that request it, there are just too many people selling those items at the Holiday markets and craft shows for it to work anymore. I enjoy making them and will continue to do so, but not in the quantity and variety I was.

Tater Time and Crossed Fingers

The ones in the box have been morphing from potatoes to aliens. The ones beside the box are some organic russets from the grocer. It was time to put them in the garden bed. There are now 32 potatoes planted and hoping that the spring like weather holds or they stay small enough to cover. Any potatoes from these will be bonuses.

The two beds nearest the old raspberries are challenge, sprouts are popping up everywhere there isn’t cardboard or weed mat down. Every trip over there results in digging out more volunteers. I hope I win the battle before it is time to put the tomatoes and peppers in the bed, the rest are in the blueberries and require carefully digging so I don’t damage the roots of the blueberries.

I have a sick laying hen. She is isolated in the garage and doesn’t look any worse, but not improving much either. It will be several months before the littles are producing. If this hen doesn’t improve, I will be down to 7 layers. An average of 3 eggs a day.

I finally gave up on the Cilantro seed and started a germination test with the seed I used and a different batch. Hopefully I will end up with some sprouts soon. If not, I will have to buy plants when they are available.

I planted Baptisia in the garden last fall which is one of the techniques I read about, then put more seed in the hydroponic garden. I’m hoping it comes up in one place or the other.

The tomato starts continue spending most days outdoors on the deck and in the south windows at night and until the mornings reach 50. Daughter and I want too many different varieties of peppers, so I am hoping for healthy starts from the nursery in about another few weeks.

On a non gardening note, I finished my second breed for the blanket and knit two squares.

I have realized that have been too obsessive about trying to get two or three breeds for the blanket done when the requirement is for 1. This has resulted in not getting anything else knit or woven. If I am going to have anything in my shop in the fall for holiday shows, I am going to have to cut back and get some other items done.

Sunday Musings

The trek to better health kicked off with a bang on Monday when I hiked with Daughter and her two kiddos. It was a great morning that reminded me what a sluggard I had been all winter. Over the past couple of years, I have let a few pounds settle around my middle. My BMI is still normal, but the pictures of me on Monday and the many stops to catch my breath on the ascent caused me to pause and re evaluate. Every weekday this past week and today, there was a good walk taken, my diet again cleaned up of bad habits I was slipping into such as grabbing a few Wheat Thins or a graham cracker a couple times a day, going out for ice cream or making popcorn too many nights a week, not drinking enough water. I don’t need those snacks, I’m not hungry when I get them. If I get hungry, I will eat an ounce of Pistachio nuts that I have to crack from the shell and wash them down with a HydroFlask of water. I’ve started carrying that bottle with me all the time now. In less than a week, progress is being seen. I can again walk up the hill to the mailbox without stopping part way to catch my breath. I have seen a few pounds slide back off my frame. There are a few more to go.

Yesterday was Market day and though I didn’t need much, we enjoy the change in routine on Saturday’s. I had preordered some more garden starts and to reach the minimum sale order, added a bag of lettuce mix and a bunch of salad turnips. The starts were my cabbage plants and some leaf lettuce from which you can repeatedly cut for salads or sandwiches. They were tucked in the bed that will eventually have the popcorn and winter squash at the other end, the longest of the new beds, and covered with the floating row cover over the new poles. They get light, water, and a barrier to the cabbage moth that lays her eggs to produce the little green cabbage worms that make lace from the brassicas. The row cover protected the other lettuce, spinach, and kale from a hail storm on Friday. Last night they were well watered in with heavy rain storms. While I was tucking the new plants in, I noticed at least a dozen raspberry canes coming up in and around the blueberry bed which is next to where the failed barrels that had contained the raspberries had been sitting. They were all dug out and I will have to be vigilant to continue to remove them until the runners all die off.

It took the hens less than a day to remove every blade of grass in the temporary pen. This morning, I took one of the rolls of fencing that I have yet to remove to storage, mostly because the tractor still hasn’t been returned, and enlarged their temporary pen. I’m sure by nightfall, it will be barren too. I may try again tomorrow to open it and see if they will return to that coop by nightfall. I can’t keep them penned in there forever. I really should purchase a 100 foot roll of electric mesh and just move them around each day or two to protect them from domestic and wild predators. That way they are in grass each day but safe.

I finished spinning two breeds for the Breed Blanket Project. The official one for the month was North Ronaldsay, a sheep breed from Scotland and the Orkney Islands. They roam the coast, will eat seaweed, and get sand and other material in their wool. Much of it is processed in a small mill in the Orkney Islands. It wasn’t too bad to spin, and it knit up nicely, but I sure wouldn’t want to wear it next to my skin nor knit it on the edge of the blanket.

The second breed is Finn, dyed in dark colors. It is spun and plied and I just began my first square of it last night. The smaller blanket above the squares is using up the scraps, each breed marked with a deer antler button on which the breed is written. It will be for display use when done and probably will not contain all the breeds in the big blanket.